Important Information

There are many important things you may need to know about how to read this documentation properly. Listed below are the different confusing aspects that are useful to know.


Each command in this documentation is written without prefixes, so in order to run them you must use the server's prefix (defaulted to +). If you are not sure what the server's prefix is, run the command

@Friskytool prefix

to get a list of server prefixes.

Argument Types

This documentation lists arguments as required or optional. The way to distinguish between these two types of arguments is by the brackets surrounding them. Angle Brackets<>denote required arguments whilst square brackets ( ) denote optional arguments.

<command> <required argument> <required argument>

Conversion Types

When there is a colon ( : ) inside your arguments that shows what your input should be and what you are allowed to type.

< argument : number >
This means that the argument should be a number [1,2,3,etc]

Discord has many different features we can interact with like roles and users. Like this below

< argument : [ Role / User / Server ]  >

Inside the brackets there are the paramters Role, User, and Server.So for that argument you can put in either a role in your server, a user, or a server itself.


Each command can be run in two ways; with separators or with spaces. Separators come in two forms: | and ,, and are used to prevent ambiguity in command arguments. Use them if you think Friskytool may get confused between where one argument starts and the other ends, like when you need spaces in an argument.

<command> <argument> <argument>

Last updated